Thursday, January 29, 2009

Have you ever felt that you do a lot for others to make them happy wishing that if someone did that to you .. you would be so happy .. and when its your turn to get something.. everyone is busy in their lives... they just forget or say that nothing could be organized..... you really never get what you ever wished for... feels miserable.. isn't it?


Swarup said...

It sure does hurt and feels absolutely ridiculous and horrendous.

I had a big discussion on that with a friend on my birthday recently :-)

Man, glad to know people are feeling the same. Probably this is what will get people together again.

I would still keep on doing all I can for people I love without expecting any returns. There is someone watching over us and will take care of you when time comes.

Remember the grass is always greener on the other side :-P


Unknown said...

While reading every line, I was just portraying myself into it..
This is so damn true man, I have always felt this way... But as they say, "Karm karo, phal ki icha mat rakho"...
I just follow this.. I cannot stop doing things for my loved ones just because I do not get anything in return..
One day or the other, I will get what I am supposed to get... Till then, may be its for me to do things for others...